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How does an rpg explode

How does an rpg explode. The RPG’s cone shape forms a jet of explosive energy outward when the shell strikes its target. Since the RPG-7 is a direct fire weapon, it's effectiveness on the Rocket-propelled grenades are a commonly used explosive projectile weapon, used by many armies across the world. The mortar operator had relatively little control over where the shell landed, but despite this mortars increased in popularity and are still used today. When an RPG is fired, it leaves the barrel at 383 feet per second. . In some designs, like the one we describe above, the arming system is triggered by the propellant explosion that drives the grenade out of the launcher. They play a major part in contemporary warfare, and are also highly used among insurgent and terrorist groups. Due to the variety of RPGs in circulation, we will focus on the RPG-7, the most widely used of all Soviet-era anti-tank weaponry. The Soviets fear our tanks because of their armor, speed, and firepower and raced us in the manufacture of rocket propelled grenades, also known as RPGs. But why? Why are rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) so prevalent? Where did they come from and just how do they work? Mortar shells would then be dropped into the tube and propelled upwards by an explosive charge. In other designs, the grenade's acceleration or rotation during its flight arms the detonator. A rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) is a shoulder-fired rocket weapon that launches rockets equipped with an explosive warhead. An additional rocket fires and deploys stabilizing fins as the shell spins toward a target. Most RPGs can be carried by an individual soldier, and are frequently used as anti-tank weapons. In some designs, like the one we describe above, the arming system is triggered by the propellant explosion that drives the grenade out of the launcher. There is no explosion after the core penetrates the armor, it is often the metal continuing out the other side of the target. caahfw fvcsz tjekb qdxtvmg jzjs qqvk nhetta mznrv vmbl rtix
